objective is to research, collect and compile a record, in electronic format,
of the Royal Canadian Signal Corps' Northwest Territories and Yukon Radio
System, which operated from 1923 to 1959, and played a pivotal role in opening
up the Canadian northland.
project started with the idea that we should create a compact disk of the
history of the NWT&Y Radio System in time for the 100th anniversary
celebrations in 2003. However that deadline proved to be impossible and
the project has grown into a far larger task than first imagined. In fact
we will probably continue for many more years yet. We have accepted the fact that the collections will never be complete
As of October 1st, 2013 we have compiled a list of 610 people who served on the system. This includes those who were properly members of the NWT&Y Radio System, having been posted to NWT&YRS establishment, and also civilian operators who served alongside the RC Sigs operators, as well as RCCS linesmen, technicians and administrative officers who were posted there on temporary duty from time to time. Of this total we have some information and/or photographs on 254. Of the remaining 356 we have nothing but the names on the nominal roll. We acknowledge that there may still be some names which have not yet come to our attention.
the Military Communications and Electronics Museum at the Canadian Forces
Base in Kingston, Ontario has a goldmine of artifacts, there are nevertheless,
large gaps in the information base, especially concerning the personnel
who served in those remote stations. It is their personal stories and the
activites of their daily lives that will make their history memorable. Canadians
deserve to know about the contribution made by their Royal Canadian Corps
of Signals toward the opening up of the Canadian northland and to the development of long-range telecommunications technology.
website is a public solicitation for assistance in filling those information
gaps. We will continue to post to these pages all the relevant information
that we can dredge from the Museum's archives and whatever comes in from
our contributers. Eventually we hope to be able to produce the CD, as was
the original intention, and make it available at the Museum's kit shop..
are hereby raising an appeal to everyone who has information regarding the
NWT&Y Radio System and the people who served in it, to contact us at
our e-mail address, or by post to the Museum.
you have archival documents or photographs that you would like to donate
to the Museum's collection they will be gratefully accepted. If you would
rather not part with them, but would be willing to provide copies, we can
make arrangements to do so. And if you have memories that you can share
with us please write, e-mail, call or drop in for a visit the next time
you are in Kingston..
research and maintenance of the website is all a labour of love. Ultimately
we will have to find a way to underwrite the cost of manufacturing the CDs but we will cross that bridge when we get there.
you are in the Kingston area and wish to volunteer, your help in going through
the museum's archives would be much appreciated. If you are in Ottawa we
could use some help in digging through the records at the National Archives
and at D-History in DND. If you are in one of the communities in the Nothwest
Territories or the Yukon where the NWT&Y RS had stations you could be
a big help in canvassing the community for photographs or anecdotes. If
you are in a community in the north where there is a museum we would appreciate
some help in checking out the holdings to see if there is anything there
pertaining to our search.
Museum's postal address is:
Military Communications and Electronics Museum
Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston ON,
K7K 7B4

NOTE: The e-mail tag above is not a direct, clickable, link. You have to copy it into your mail address. We are forced to do this to prevent internet spiders and trawlers from harvesting our address for spam and other illegal purposes. We appologize for this necessary inconvenience.
Contact: Please note that the old address for contact purposes is no longer active. If you have queries or contributions please contact the Webmaster at the address on the tag above.
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