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WO Frank Heath's history of RC Sigs station VEA

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critical flood days Capt. Cec. May flew in from Edmonton with emergency equipment, and two technicians, Walker and Dalman, from the Whitehorse station. By the time FH got back on the job everything was back to normal except for evidence everywhere of the high water which left heaved and buckled floors and linoleum, warped insulating boards on the walls; and chairs, desks and tables and doors much the worse for their three days of soaking up the waters of the swollen Yukon.

On Oct. 7th 1944 Low was posted to Edmonton and Signm. Dennis Eluted replaced him a week later.

1945 came in with very little fanfare other than the usual new-years festivities, but turned out to be one of those years noted for momentous and historical events and happenings before going out with a veritable blast of trumpets, hullabaloo and rejoicing in its wake - not all of which was occasioned by V-E and V-J, for before the end of the year, we moved into a brand new station with every modern convenience, plus modern remotely controlled transmitters and receivers.

A detachment of 18 R.C.Es in charge of Capt. Rod Saunders arrived July 4th 1945, and a few days later commenced work on the site for the new and attractive, modern building which now occupies a prominent corner in Dawson's business section formerly occupied by the Yukonia Hotel and the "M & M" Saloon (of early days fame) which were razed by fire May 22nd 1940.

Tons of ashes, charred lumber and tangled debris of all kinds had to be removed before foundation work could be attempted; then more time than anticipated was necessary to sink piling into frozen earth down to bedrock, or perpetually frozen gravel, but after this arduous and complicated preliminary foundation work was completed the remainder proceeded quite rapidly. While this town work was in progress another crew was engaged clearing a large area of bush and trees for the remote aerial array and the small building for the equipment, in the hills some two miles east of the town site.

Theoretically we had little or nothing to do with this new construction work, but we soon found ourselves very much in demand for information, transportation by Jeep (which had been restored to us) and even advice and general attention and mentor to all and sundry connected with the new work. Needless to say our routine was quite hectic and demanding at times, and for at least five months we could safely say there was never a dull moment.

Air Force personnel, specialists in pole-line and telephone construction work, came in on last boat of the navigation season, Oct. 8th and by end of November completed the setting up and rigging of the pole line carrying the 26 pair lead covered control cable from town office to remote station. Sgt. Walter Thomas, of Signals, came in about the same time and attended to the stringing of the necessary power line and installing transformers.

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